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KCI등재 학술저널

광고사진과 텍스트 분석을 통한 중학교 디자인 수업 연구

Design Instruction Method of Middle School through Advertising Photo & Text Analysis

  • 81

현대사회가 다매체 환경의 정보화 사회로 급격히 전환되면서 지식의 관점이 새롭게 정비되고 인간과 문화에 대한 관점이 다양화되었다.이는 교육의 목표를 비판적,창의적 사고력의 함양에 두고 내용에 큰 변화를 가져오게 하였다.특히 미술교육에서 시각문화의 수용에 대한 주장이 제기되었다.던컴(Duncum,1997;1999;2001)과 프리드먼(Freeman,1994;2000)을 비롯한 몇몇 미술교육자들은 미술교육에서 시각문화에 대한 사회적,정치적 관점을 통한 비판적 해석의 필요성을 강조하였다. 미술교육의 패러다임이 인간중심에서 문화중심(박정애,2005:1)에로의 이행이라는 시대적인 흐름 속에서 학생들의 삶에 영향을 미치는 시각문화에 대한 해석학습이 이 루어져야 한다는 현실적인 요구를 반영하여야 한다.다시 말해서,미술교육은 시각문 화를 하나의 텍스트로 간주하고 그 의미를 읽고 해독하는 시각적 독해력(visual literacy)을 길러주는 방향으로 나아가야 한다는 것이다.

Contemporaries get new information every day in cultural environment that continuously produces visual images. In this context, the validity of visual culture studies is to help students not to thoughtlessly accept visual messages including advertisements when they are faced with such things, but is to help them to orient themselves. Like so, it is urgent for students to be educated so that they can adapt themselves to visual culture. Also, art education needs to present the systematic standard for producing and analyzing visual images in visual culture studies. Thus, the purpose of this study is to present pedagogy that enables students to interpret the texts of advertising pictures in order that they may cope with visual effect-centered culture critically, introspectively and actively. In order to do so, a critico-pedagogy was developed on the basis of the analysis framework for pictorial texts and it was applied to the actual spot. The following is an expectable effect in this study. The test group, to which the pictorial text analysis-based critico-pedagogy against commercial advertisements was applied, will enhance their artistic knowledge, the uptake of art, appreciative power and expressive ability more than the control group to which normal pedagogy was applied. In result, such results will have an effect on the scholastic performance measured by the practical test and the formative test. The results of this study came out as in the following: pictorial text analysis-based critico-pedagogy against commercial advertisements was more effective to enhance the scholastic performance of learners, as compared to traditional pedagogy. Accordingly, the pedagogy presented in this study is expected to positively enable students to interpret pictorial texts dispassionately on the premise that the goal of education in visual art is to enhance cognition and criticism on various visual images.
