제도적 미술교육에 있어서 서양의 원근법을 비롯한 사실적 재현에 관한 미술 교육 이 일반화 되어진 이후로,전통적 미술 교육은 상대적으로 미술교육의 현장에서 외면 되어져 왔으며,다루어지더라도 매우 서양적 틀에서 표피적으로 이해되어져 왔다.특 히 전통회화 가운데 서구적 미학의 틀 안에서의 설명이 어렵거나 적절한 용어가 없는 경우,교육현장에서 외면되거나 점점 그 의미가 잊혀져가고 있는 것이 현실이다.다문 화 사회로의 진입과 함께 문화적 정체성과 전통에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다.이와 같은 시점에 서구적 미학의 틀에서는 설명되기 어려우나 전통회화에서 중요한 기준으 로 작용하였던 평담천진 사상을 중심으로 전통에 대한 재이해의 중요성을 밝히고 그 가능성을 모색하고자 한다.
In the era of pluralism, there has been increasing attention on cultural identity and tradition. This study aims to uncover the limitations of current ways of teaching traditional art in school, and to search the possibility of teaching Korean art based on the in-depth understanding of the philosophy and aesthetics of tradition. In order to develop a concrete argument, this study focuses on the traditional idea of Pyong-Dam-Chun-Jin(平淡天眞-calm, lucid, and pure), which reflects the Oriental world-views, philosophies and art theories. Considering the explanation of the concept of 'lucidity' in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism as well as Dong Qichang's art theory, Pyong-Dam-Chun-Jin is derived from the unique idea of Oriental value systems and paintings, going beyond a mere technique in paintings. The implications of Pyong-Dam-Chun-Jin for art education are as follows. First, the emphasis should be placed on the relationship between the idea of Pyong-Dam-Chun-Jin and the Oriental thoughts that attempt to reveal the essence of the object and to unveil the personality of the artist through painting. Second, it is important for students to understand the integrated relationship between lines drawn with Indian ink and coloring. Unlike Western watercolor paintings, the contour lines are not merely to separate the object from the background, but to express the essence of the object itself. In the same way, coloring is not applied to fill up the empty space inside the object, but to show the mental and spiritual state of the painter. Third, the comparative analyses of Oriental paintings and Western paintings have a critical limitation in teaching the philosophies and thoughts of traditional art, especially when the analysis mainly deals with formalistic comparison. Therefore, Pyong-Dam-Chun-Jin should be taught based on its true meaning and value so as to help students discover cultural identity and esteem through their own personal experiences with traditional art.