“미술”과 연관된 행위를 포괄적인 의미에서 “미학적인”(aesthetisch)것의 구현으로 해석할 수 있다면,그리하여 미학적이란 곧 다름 아닌 인간의 “지각적,감각적”행위 그 자체라면(‘미학적’aesthetic이란 단어의 어원은 ‘감각적,지각적’sinnlich,wahrnehmbar 을 의미한다)(DUDEN),미술을 통해 심신의 원활하고 총체적인 성장을 도모하는 미 술교육은 인간의 감각-지각행위 자체에 천착하여 자가 성장력을 발휘하게 하는 행위로 이해될 수 있으며,이런 의미에서 미술교육 뿐 아니라 감각 및 지각 행위에 근원을 둔 예술교과(음악,무용,체육 등)는 인간의 basal한 능력을 활성화시키는 매우 인 본적인 교과교육이라 하겠다.
This study is conducted to appreciate the effects of molding activities program with clay on improving self- and artistic expression by the students who are visually handicapped. A total of 7 Students who were in the fifth and sixth grade of a special elementary school for the visually handicapped, which was located in J district in Seoul, participated in the intervention. We conducted this program through other senses like touch and hearing for 40 minutes each three times in a week with the total frequency of 20 times. The rating scale test about self- and artistic expression were conducted before and after the molding activities program with clay started after the preliminary test, and students’reactions or works which were shown during the processes conducted periodically were recorded and qualitatively analyzed. The results are as follows. First, it was found that the molding activities program with clay had a positive effect on improving the self- and artistic expression by the visually handicapped children. Second, passive self-expression by children decreased and proactive artistic expression appeared. We could know that to develop and devise more suitable and systematic artistic programs would be effective in helping the visually handicapped children have psychological stability and positive self-consciousness.