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KCI등재 학술저널

중등 미술교사 자격연수 프로그램 평가준거 개발 및 타당성 분석

Validation of the Evaluation Criteria for In-service Art Teacher Training Program in Korean Secondary Education

  • 42

현대 사회는 다양한 시각예술과 디자인이 우리 생활문화의 주류를 이루고 있는 사회이다. 현대 사회에서 시각예술은 회화, 조각, 판화, 소묘, 사진, 영화, 패션, 컴퓨터아트 등으로 다양화되어 우리 생활문화의 변화를 주도하고, 디자인도 시각디자인, 제품디자인, 환경디자인을 넘어서 디자인 경영, 디자인 마케팅, 디자인 서비스로 다양화되어 우리 생활문화를 새롭게 창조하는 것을 주도하고 있다. 이런 시각예술과 디자인을 현대 사회에서 소화시키고 창조할 수 있는 미술교육이 필요하다. 특히 중등학교 미술교육은 현대 사회에 요구되는 창조적인 문화인 양성에 노력해야 한다. 이에 이 연구에서는 그 중등학교 미술교육을 실현할 수 있는 미술교사의 전문성에 주목하였다.

This study aims at developing and verifying the criteria of in-service teacher training programs in secondary art education in Korea in order to provide a theoretical basis for the evaluation of in-service art teacher training and improve programs for art teachers in secondary education. An in-service teacher training for the first-degree certificate is specified in the Korean law, and these courses are the requirements for all the regular teachers with over 3-year teaching career. In order to develop program evaluation criteria for art teachers in secondary education, the study examined related studies and programs for art teachers training in Korea. Art teacher training program evaluation is a important factor to measure and improve the status and quality of art teacher training program. Programs are evaluated for knowing their status and for further improvement. The recommendations for program development for art-teacher education were the followings. Plan, content organization, methods, assessment should be clearly defined for the organizers and also for the participants in order to improve program performance and be available for teachers' convenience. As a conclusion, this study is expected to help the organizers and participants check out whether they have instructed and have been instructed what they are supposed to train and learn in art teacher training program. In order to be more useful, this approach for the validity and credibility of program evolution criteria in art teacher training should be continuous.
