현대사회는 복잡하고 다변화된 양상을 보이고 있으며, 21세기로 접어들면서 국제화?세계화로 변화한 시대상황은 국가 간 경쟁뿐 만 아니라 동종 분야에서까지 생존을 위한 무한경쟁을 요구하고 있다. 공공서비스를 제공하며 항구적 비영리기관인 뮤지엄도 다양한 분야의 문화예술교육기관이 속속 등장하면서 한정된 자원의 수요가 많아지자 관의 존속과 운영여건의 개선을 위한 자체 재원 확보 등 경쟁력 확보가 중요해졌으며 이를 통해 뮤지엄의 일반적 기능인 자료의 수집, 보존, 연구, 전시, 교육과 함께 지역과 국가의 중추적 문화기관으로서의 역할을 다하고자 노력하고 있다.
The importance of museums as a non-profit institute for cultural education is increasing all over the world. Reflecting such international trend, interest on museums in Korea is also growing. Due to the change of cultural environment internationally, the function of museums has been extended into a life-long institute for cultural education. Moreover, the previous role of museums to merely collect and display materials is transformed into the role to enhance the identity of a nation or a local community. Ultimately museums as a tourism resource make economic contributions and become increasingly important as a central axis for developing into the culturally advanced nation. As a result of, the number of museums in Korea radically increased over 700 including national, public, private and university museums. Currently professional museums specialized in various fields are in preparation for construction. Here, the degree of activation varies by individual museum in the sectors of display, research and education which are the core business sectors of a museum. To improve such condition, significant efforts are made to improve and vitalize museum management including various cultural events held by the museum and reinforcement of the customer service. However, compared with the dramatic increase in quantity, the museum management which is a qualitative aspect substantially differs by each institute. In particular, some museums organize special exhibitions thanks to the Lottery Fund Project of the Korean Museum Association or receive budget to support their professional manpower. Here, the system to evaluate procedures and the result of such funded projects differ in each sector and the evaluation system is not structured systemically. Accordingly the parameter to estimate the degree of activation is inarticulate so that various solutions should be examined to solve the problem. Thus, the aim of this study was to suggest necessity to introduce an evaluation system of mu