디자인공무원 채용시험 대비 관련 2년제 대학의 디자인계열 교육과정 개선을 위한 공공디자인 분야 교육 현황 분석
Analysis of the Present Course of Study for Its Improvement Design field Work Courses in Related Two-Year Colleges in Relation to Preparing Examination for Service of Public Design Service Personnel
2009년 행정안전부가 제출한 공무원임용령 개정안이 3월 24일 국무회의를 통과함에 따라 정부기관에서 디자인 전문가를 채용할 수 있는 길이 열렸다. 이는 ‘창의적인 디자인 강국 구현’이 국정과제로 추진되는 등, 국가브랜드 가치향상을 위한 디자인의 중요성이 국가적으로 부각되는 가운데, 도시공간ㆍ국토공간에도 디자인의 개념이 적용되면서 관련분야의 전문 인력 수요가 지속적으로 증가함에 따른 것이다. 이러한 원인으로는 2008년 9월 5일부터 10월 6일까지 중앙부처 및 지방자치단체의 사전 의견 수렴 결과 중앙부처 디자인관련 5개 기관과 자치단체 233개 중 179개 기관(76.8%)에서 디자인 직류 신설을 희망한 것에서 기인한다. 아울러 2009년 상반기 중에 지방공무원 임용령 및 공무원임용 시험령을 개정하여 시험과목과 자격증 등 채용관련 사항을 마련하여 하반기부터 디자인 전문가를 채용할 수 있도록 하였다.
This study aims to propose guidelines for the improvement scientific and systematic courses of study related to two-year colleges design department for training. After the study, the demand for design public servants will be expected to be increased. Therefore, two-year colleges should seek for effective counter plans-related design departments. In the fields of public design, government agencies and local governments are asking an education of public design specialists for creating and managing consistent design cultures. The purpose of theis study is to meet the needs of the times, enlarging social roles and acting fields of designs. Also, it focuses on the training of public designers and public design servants, not only with a field executive ability, but also with valuation and management abilities in the field of a public design. According to social needs and because the training public design servant with specialty is urgent now, the design-related departments in every college will create new jobs through improving problems of the present courses of study. The most important thing among the duties of design servants is management and planing abilities without basic design knowledge. Thus, the colleges are asked for proper subject organization and time allotments when considering the duties. To make up a course of study for civil service examination, they needs to raise cultural study quality and subjects of special study have to try to reflect it. As courses of study relating to design cannot be standardized according to the circumstances of country, location and educational facilities, far-reaching research participation is henceforth demanded for special and professional education. The study is limited to the subjects for examination among courses of study for public design servants. However, considering enlargement of their numbers and each colleges' countermeasure keeping pace with the study, deepened and developed systematic research on related subjects'