오늘날과 같은 지식 정보화 시대에 있어서 교육은 학습자가 자기 주도적인 학습을 할 수 있도록 해주는 다양한 학습상황의 제공이 강조되면서 교사의 위상과 역할도 변화되었다. 특히 미술 교사는 미술을 일상생활 속의 여러 활동과의 관계 속에서 이해함으로써 풍부한 지적, 감성적 자질을 갖추어야 한다. 다시 말해서, 교사는 회화, 조각, 디자인 등 미술 전 분야에 대한 이해와 식견을 바탕으로 미적 정서와 감수성, 조형능력과 창의성을 함양하여야 한다. 미술교육은 미술의 이해와 감상을 통한 창의성 육성뿐만 아니라 디지털 문화를 포함한 시각문화현상의 이해와 향유, 정체성 확립 등으로 그 교육내용 영역이 확장되고 있어서 미술교사는 이에 부응하는 미술과 영역의 전문성을 갖추어야 할 필요가 있다.
The object of this thesis is to look for a way to improve and to encourage teachers' training programs at art museums for secondary school art teachers by providing preliminary data from analysis of actual condition and needs survey. It has been researched with the goal of operating diverse in-service education programs for art teachers to promote desirable growth and realization of secondary art education. For this, teachers' programs at art museum that allow first-hand experience as a public art education institute should be encouraged. This study has been conducted with a survey of current secondary art teachers was used to research and analyze their recognition, satisfaction, and requirement. For the survey, questionnaires were sent to 120 randomly selected secondary art teachers currently working in Seoul and metropolitan areas. 115 questionnaires collected were consolidated and processed as a statistical data analysis using SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science) v.12.0 program. Based on the results of the survey, it is suggested that the teachers' training program for secondary art teachers at art museums should be operated focusing their requirements with an appropriate educational method, instructors, and environment so that it brings effective results on both art teachers' professional development and art museum education. Hopefully, this research will be used as a helpful resource for future development of training programs for secondary art teachers at art museums.