보 연구에서는 컴퓨터 기능의 일부인 컴퓨터그래픽을 통한 새 로운 미 술치료 프로그 램을 현장에 적용시켜 컴퓨터 그 래픽의 새 로운 표현도구로서의 가능성 을 고찰하고, 그 가능 성 을 통하여 학생 들 의 자아를 표 현하고 스트 레 스 감소에 효과가 있는지 를 살펴보 고자한다.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of aπ therapy using computer graphics as a tool for reducing stress in adolescents. Study Methods 12 sessions of art therapy programs using computer graphics were done among 26 students from S vocational high school located in the downtown of Seoul. Also, a stress scale test was implemented along with the art therapy program. Results As for the effects of art therapy programs using computers on overall stress of high school students, the average posttest score of the experiment group in the overall stress and several subordinate factors was 13.04, being lower than the 14.22 of the control group. Conclusion Effects of art therapy programs using the computer appeared to be significant compared to the control group. We were able to confmn that it could be applied in c1inical practices like other ordinary art therapy programs.