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KCI등재 학술저널

창의적 미술 수업을 위한 창의적 미술교사의 현장연구방법 : 미술을 중심으로 한 연구법 (art-based action research)

Creative Art Teachers' Classroom Research Method for Their Creative Art Lesson: Art-Based Classroom Research

  • 719

1948년 이래 초중고 교육과정 속에서 창의성은 언제나 중요한 교육적 가치로 여져 져 왔다 (문용린, 2011: 46). 최근에 와서는 장의교육은 시대적 요구로 창의적 인재를 얼마나 효과적으로 길러내고 창의성 발휘를 돕는가는 국가발전의 일환으로 여겨질 정도로 그 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 하지만 창의성 실체에 대한 연구와 교육프로그램 개발에 대한 연구는 매우 미비하고 창의성 교육 담당할 전문적인 교사가 부족한 상황 이라는 것은 우리나라 창의성 교육의 문제점이라 할 수 있다(문용린, 2011: 46). 특히 학생 들 의 창의성 신장에 대한 교육적 필요성은 점점 강조되어 가고 있는 데 이를 담당 할 교사가 어떻게 효과적으로 창의성 교육을 준비하고 실행할 수 있을 지에 대한 관 심이 상대적으로 너무 미비한 상태라는 것은 매우 심각한 문제로 볼 수 있다.

One of purposes of general education is to educate children and make them creative. Recently, it seems that the importance of creativity is more emphasized in general education. Under this circumstance, the theme of creativity is sweeping through the field of art education. That is to say, now it is considered that this theme, creativity, is essentially central to the field of art education. Many people in and even out of the field of art education believe that art would be an effective subject to develop children’s creativity. Therefore, developing effective art lessons for children’s creativity has been an important issue in art education. However, although we have paid great attention to creative children, we have not considered who could be a creative art teacher who prepare creative art lesson for children. In order to help children develop their creativity, we must think how art teachers can be creative and how they can prepare creative art lessons effectively. Art teachers has been understood as an artist teacher. It means that they have dual identities such as an artist and a teacher. Many teachers, ironically, try to be a good artist in order to be a professional and creative art teacher. However, they should be professional and creative in both areas. How can they develop their dual identities effectively. This study introduced 8 student art teachers’ creative classroom research using an art-based research method and explained how this project was initiated, what was the process of the project and what participants learned from it. Through participating in this project, student art teachers learned how to incorporate their interest in art-making into their classroom research and it was identified that they became more competent in conducting research. The result of this study shows if the discourse on the possibilities of art practice as research among only scholars is introduced to practitioners, art teachers, it would be helpful for art teachers prepa
