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KCI등재 학술저널

미술교육 공간 개념의 재탐색

Redefining Concept of Art Educational Space:based on Dewey's Aesthetics

  • 85

인간은 삶을 영위하기 위하여 공간으로 부터 공간으로 움직이고, 또한 공간에 머문다. 공간은 때로는 인간에게 권위적인 것이 되기도 하고, 때로는 인간에게 지배당하면서 역사적으로 긴밀한 관계를 이어왔다. 전통적인 공간은 시아에서 확보된 것만을 신뢰 하였으므로 한정적인 것이었으며 물체가 놓여 질 수 있는 공간만이 그 입지를 확고히 하였다. 케블러(Koyr?, 1958, 재인용)에 의하면 “공간은 물체들 때문에 존재한다고 보고, 만일 물체들이 없다면, 공간은 없을 것이다.”말 한바 있다. 이처럼 전통적인 공간은 시각적으로, 혹은 과학적으로 파악되는 것으로 자아로부터 각기 다르게 인식되는 공간의 의미는 간과 되었다. 공간에 대한 인식변화는 칸트(Kant)에 의하여 전환된다. 강동수(강동수, 2010)에 의하면 칸트는『순수 이성 비판』을 통해서 감성의 형식을 선험적인 공간으로 보게 되면서 사물이 없는 공간 즉 시각적으로 확보되지 않은 공간도 인정하기에 이르렀다고 지적한다.

A space where we move, stay and inhabit is closely related to human life. Traditionally concept of space was limited to a physical space or an abstract space disregarding the relationship with human life. Meaning of an human being was minimized and limited in educational space. For the same reason, art space was mainly evaluated by facility or positions of utility within it. Perception space as transaction has gained an importance in recent years. Hence, space is now considered more being relative and re-constructable. This perspective can open up a new understanding of an educational space. This paper tried to re-evaluate the meaning of Art Educational Space by looking at the meaning of transaction in John Dewey's esthetics. Understanding the recent concept of space and the esthetics of John Dewey, concentrating on 'nature' and 'transaction', has become the background theory. As a result, the notion of art space based on absolute space has been opened up to new visible space. Art educational space is now viewed in organic relation with human life. World of daily life is newly recognized as a potential art educational space: Space where student lives, exists, and perceives, a possible transactional space within. The world and Art space are both a place where a quality transaction can occur between students and teachers, in the world, without any biased authority. This study could provide a change in view of the world and school as 'Art educational space of transaction'.
