15세기 조선 초기 안견의 산수화 몽유도원도에 표현된 양식은 전대 전통의 산수화양식의 토대위에서 새로운 한국적 양식으로의 창신(創新)을 이룬 것으로 주목할 만한 현상이다. 이는 몽유도원도의 양식특성이 한국적 양식특성의 구도와 공간개념으로 표현되었으며, 전통 양식의 구도와 공간개념을 토대로 전통을 계승, 수용하였지만 재창조된 구도로서 대각선구도와 넓고 확대지향적인 한국적 공간미로 표현되었기 때문이다(안휘준, 2000: 131-132).
Before the Joseon Dynasty era, common landscape paintings drawn with in black and white were hugely affected from landscape paintings from Buk-song, China. Because of that, its forms and contents of the landscape paintings before the Joseon Dynasty period were very similar with Chinese forms of landscape paintings. However, An-Kyon's style created a unique landscape painting style from those in traditional forms of painting, which means that he created a new pattern of landscape painting that is suited in our culture. Especially, An-Kyon's style of landscape painting showed unique form in composition. Before An-Kyon's style of painting, all of the landscape paintings appeared as two-dimensional. However, An-Kyon shedded those old way of paintings but tried to draw landscape with using diagonal composition. In this way, An-Kyon could draw landscape paintings in three dimensions. Through An-Kyon's style of painting, we can estimate position of new landscape painting pattern, which means creations of new style of painting is related to existing form. Especially, An-Kyon's painting style was affected from Buk-song, Nam-song, Kum, and Won-duck, which means that he learned from each style of painting what he needed to learn. Because An-Kyon made his style of painting as he learned merits from each painting style, it can be said that An-Kyon's painting style is reinvention of landscape painting. Since An-Kyon's painting style appeared, the pattern of the landscape drawing changed in many times. Like this, An-Kyon's painting form was unique and creative and led to many new patterns of landscape drawing as it was existed as revolutionary change in landscape painting's history. Especially, we can see that he was an artist who was always looking for a new way to draw paintings to express that era, so he could create a new form of painting of landscape.