최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

미국의 미술교사양성 수업 문화 사례 연구

A Study on Instruction-Culture Case in Art Teachers Traning in America

  • 96

최근 들어 우리나라에서는 해방 이후 그 어느 때보다도 우수한 인재들이 교사교육을 받고 있다. 우리나라의 교원양성기관은 일제침략기에 ‘사범학교’를 출발로 1962년 2년제 교육대학으로, 1983년에 다시 4년제 교육대학교로 승격되었다. 이러한 변천은 교사의 자질 향상에 크게 기여하였다. 우리나라의 교사교육은 교육대학교, 사범대학교, 교육대학원 등의 교사양성기관에서 임용시험을 치루기 전에 받는 직전교육과, 학교에 교사로 임용된 후에 받는 재교육과정인 현직교육으로 나뉜다. 현직 교사를 대상으로 교사양성기관 또는 현직연수기관에서 이루어지는 재교육(자격연수, 직무연수, 특별연수)은 교사의 전문성 확보로 이어지고 교사의 자질향상에 기여하게 된다.

The purpose of this study was to understand instruction culture for the department of art education at Florida State University through an analytical case-study technique. First of all, it discussed about a meaning of instruction culture, a cultural meaning of the art teachers training instruction, and a role & meaning of this instructor as culture, and described on the art teachers education program of FSU. And it analyzed on instruction culture of the major required subject for the department of art education at FSU and extracted four kinds as its meaning, based on a record of instruction observation, a record of students' observation on collaborative school, interview of targeting academic advisors, collaborative teachers, and students, and other documents related to students' assignments and instructions. It is the meaning construction, first through verbal interaction, and second through drawing up diary. It is what is formed the inside for practicing art education through the aesthetic meaning construction by diary-writing activity simultaneously with expressing visual image on students' own realistic life. Third, it is knowledge construction through critical exploration activity. It is said that students form knowledge in life through critical thinking that was revealed in the process of aesthetically exploring, expressing, and critically discussing about a meaning on art and visual culture. Fourth, it is acquisition of practical knowledge through the field experience. Students promote understanding about teacher's professionalism through expressing and discussing in the critical perspective about a record of participant observation in art instruction at collaborative elementary school and about a record of interview with collaborative teachers. The meaning in this instruction culture is considered to be possibly implication in improving instruction culture of art teachers training course in our country.
