현장에서 학생들을 지도하다보면 곧잘 실수를 발견하게 되고, 실수로 인해 좌절하는 경우도 목격하게 된다. 이렇게 하면 안 된다는 것을 배운 것이니 괜찮다고 격려를해도 자신에 대한 실망감을 지우지 못하고 때로는 실수를 감추기 위해 자기변명이나 괘변을 늘어놓기도 한다. 이렇게 학생들 대부분은 실수에 대해 부정적인 정서를 가지고 있고 이 사회가 실수에 대해 그리 너그럽지 못한 것도 사실이다.
For frequent mistakes in an art class occurring based on a grade of a student, it appeared that lower graders would make mistakes due to a lack of attention while higher graders would make slips as they are not producing a result which has been expected or would make mistakes as they have completed a work but still, have not come up with a result that they have had in their minds. Most of all, it was found out that mistakes are related to scores and follow-up learning through the mistakes are not properly conducted. These findings prove that even in an art class, mistakes are being considered negative and this indicates a need of a change of perception. In addition, to search for measures to use counterfactual thinking which would be naturally caused after a mistake, the study evaluated counterfactual thinking of students. When the students were told to express their own thoughts about a negative incident which had been provided in advance, it appeared that they tended to do lots of upward counterfactual thinking. This confirmed that mistakes that the students have made in the past would have an influence on making that choice. Add to this, in a controllable situation, the students were observed to make an attempt to change in an active manner. Considering this, the study suggested how to apply a sentence of counterfactual thinking in an initial and a last stage of a class.