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KCI등재 학술저널

숲·예술 창의 프로젝트 효과 연구

A Study of the Effects of Children's Forest Art Creativity Project

  • 147

오늘날 숲은 인류와 생명, 문화를 지속시킬 수 있는 대안으로 대두되고 있다. 인간중심의 사고에서 벗어나 자연과 인간의 관계, 모든 생명체들이 조화롭게 공존함으로써 황폐화 되어가는 지구를 되살려 상생하는 지구로 복원할 수 있어야 한다. 특히 숲·자연 환경은 우리에게 아름다운 풍경과 민감한 감각의 세계를 체험하도록 하는 생명의 터전이며, 온갖 생명이 함께 살아가는 열린 공간이다. 우리는 숲이 주는 풍경을 감각적으로 느끼고, 자연의 향기와 색과 소리, 촉감을 감지한다.

The purpose of this study is to explore the educational meaning of ‘Forest Art Creativity Project’ for the enhancement of children’s creativity and emotional intelligence. Thus it examines the field application of the project, based on implemented examples. Experiences in forest enable children to both feel the wonders of nature and to develop their qualities of sensitivity and intuition. This project, which has partnered with the Gyeongju City government since 2011, consists of approximately 50 primary school children with 6 researchers and 4 assistants. The program is operational three hours per week after day school hours. Compares the outcome of preliminary and post testings. With these conclusions, the experimental group that participated in the ‘Forest Art Creativity Project’ shows significant distinctions in the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT). This is especially seen in all aspects of creative artistic expression and emotional intelligence. The children recognized nature’s continuous changes through their five senses. From the ordinary experiences in the forest, they became more sensitive and developed consideration and respect for nature. They likewise came to acknowledge that humans coexist with and in nature. In particular, the study suggests that a variety of artistic activities combined with these experiences in a forest, considerably affect children’s growth; these experiences encourage children to grow both creatively and emotionally.
