교과서는 학교에서 학생들의 교육을 위하여 사용되는 학생용의 서책?음반?영상 및 전자저작물 등을 말한다(교과용도서에 관한 규정, 제2조). 교육과정이 개정되면 학교 현장에서 이를 효율적으로 구현하기 위한 교수?학습의 주된 도구로서 교과서 개발 계획이 수립되고 구체적인 구분 고시가 이루어진다. 구분 고시는 교육과정이 개정됨에 따라 교과용도서 관한 규정에 의거 각 교과의 교과서를 누가 어떤 절차를 거쳐 개발하고 사용하는가를 결정하는 국가 차원의 정책 행위이다(김재춘 외, 2011). 이 구분 고시를 통해 학교급별, 교과별 교과서의 국?검?인정도서 개발 형태, 분책 또는 합본, 별책 신설 또는 폐지 등을 알 수 있다.
This study aimed at examining the suitability for the needs of textbook users, especially school teachers, about art textbooks, and suggesting the ways to reform the textbook policies. First, while elementary school teachers showed a high level of dissatisfaction with government-authorized art textbooks, middle school teachers revealed a high level of satisfaction with approved art textbooks. The reason was that elementary school teachers have much more difficulty in evaluating and selecting high-quality ones out of many kinds of art textbooks since they have been accustomed to government-copyrighted art textbooks. Second, in terms of combination of art textbooks for two grades into a single volume, elementary school teachers showed that it is not appropriate for elementary school system in which teachers deal with one grade for a year. Middle school teachers, however, presented a positive opinion that it is suitable for the middle school system in which art teachers generally teach across the grades. The policy of combination of art textbooks into a single volume needs to be reconsidered to be effectively applied within the elementary school system. Third, both elementary and middle school teachers were positive about less regulations for the other physical features except the kinds of paper for art textbooks. They, however, held negative attitudes toward varying textbook sizes and thickness, the increase of art textbook purchasing cost, and the use and keeping of art textbooks. More detail measures concerning the minimum regulations or the categories of autonomy in developing art textbooks need to be provided for complementing the shortcomings.