후기 현대사회에서 오늘의 미술가들은 현실을 인식하고 예술작품에 반영함에 있어 단지 순수시지각 방식을 넘어서 사회문화적 맥락에서의 복합적인 시각이 요구되고 있 다. 이에 따라 오늘날의 산업문명화된 대중매체적 시각환경 속에서 현대미술의 양상 은 필연적으로 다원적 시각방식과 재현체계에 대한 새로운 방법론 속에서 그 의미와 가능성이 모색되어져야 할 것이다.
In postmodernism art, meaning of representation today can be extended through interpretation in the context of the society rather than the originality, or the aesthetics of the original, and, it should be applied in the non-fixed context which produces a diversity of meaning to get definition of the representation. Postmodernism art is not rather focusing on the art piece itself than on its plural context, its various meanings and mutual text which is more precisely, the patrons of art, the taste of classes and the relationship between the popularity, and its diversity aspect contains the allegorical impulse in its background. To me, it is impressed in the deconstructional properties in the context of the allegory of Craig Owens theory, and it means the dialectic deconstruction for the purpose of the possibility of representational system in terms of the allegorical concepts which effected in the more postmodernism aspect rather than only the deconstruction itself in the context of narrow meaning for the deconstruction concept. The meaning of the allegorical deconstruction is the potential elements which are subsiding in the concept and expressing method of the allegory, and the reflection of the image environment in the modern society. In my works, I try to deconstruct the meaning of daily life nowaday in terms of the concept and allegorical approach through the methods of reproduced image techniques, and it means to consider a possibility of represent system, and I intend to apply to an allegorical concept which contains the time of a photo image as discontinuity in the process of making reproduced image. The reproduced image is a sort of effective way leading the deconstruction, not only a method of image skill, also the concept itself. Therefore, my reproduced image technique is a way of an allegorical representation which is lead in another approach to the daily life.