최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

The comparative study of a practical subject and a leisure activity between Korea and Japan.

The comparative study of a practical subject and a leisure activity between Korea and Japan.

  • 14

This study, aiming at the leisure activity of children, has a purpose to contemplate the relationship between the curriculum of practical subject and leisure activity by investigating phenomenon of daily life and leisure activity of Korean and Japan children. Followings were revealed by this study. 1) Cellular phone possession rate and the number of out-of-school activity of Korean children are two times higher than those of Japanese indicating that the Korean investment for an education is more than that of Japan. When it comes to an activity in the school and out of the school, children of both countries spend time on indoor activity like watching TV, cartoons or surfing internet so there is little difference between them. 2) When it is adjusted to the relationship between practical subject and leisure activity, Korean children are more likely to get playing experience through a lesson than children of Japan and they recognize the connection to a lesson, from their daily playing. Also, it is shown that Korean children tend to have more degrees of recognition in the relationship between the leisure activity of practical subject and self-recognition of children. Same as above, considering the leisure activity as the spontaneous and self-complete culture of children, we can notice that Japan children fully recognize the estrangement between culture of school having practical subject and daily life culture while Korean children grasp the point harmoniously with recognition of the connection between practical subjects of school and daily life culture.
