최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

A Comparative Study of Caregivers Child Rearing Conscious in Korea and Japan

A Comparative Study of Caregivers Child Rearing Conscious in Korea and Japan

The date of the study were collected using a rating scale for caregivers. These questionnaires for caregivers were translated into Korean and Japanese by researches based on questionnaires originally developed by Shibata. This investigation research Japanese caregivor of 426 and Korean 250 participated. The research used HARBAU and produced Cremer relation coefficients. The results of this study were as follows : First, child care center's caregivers in Korea had comprehensive perspectives including the theory of attachment behavior, the theory of a communication, the control theory of a breast-feeding oriented motive, and the innate theory. Second, caregivers of this investigation resultant Korea must raise caregivers of Japan 3 minute children which sees the mother who knows the ceremony being strong, came to reveal.
