최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Moral Education of Japan and Korea:The Suggestion for Developing Education System in Mongolia

Moral Education of Japan and Korea:The Suggestion for Developing Education System in Mongolia

  • 13

Moral education in Mongolia is integrated into subject matters and the moral education can be derived from all educational activities. Nevertheless, there is not any regulation on the contents and guide for each grade levels. But Korea and Japan have a clear purpose, contents and methods of moral education. Hence, it is compared with the tree countries' education systems above all the standard of education in Mongolia, the course of study in Japan and the national common basic curriculum in Korea. In terms of formal, the moral education in Korea is characterized to have subject matter and evaluation system. The moral education in Japan accomplished through extracurricular activities and there is no evaluation system. Especially, in Japan, the moral lessons are carried through the whole school activities and it has a course of study in morals. That is a big difference between these countries.
