The purpose of this study was to provide the basic resources for developing parish nursing program by investigating the demands of parish or churches on parish nursing service. Subjects of this study were 96 pastors conveniently in Busan. Research tools used for this study were modified version of the ones composed by Hwang(2000) with the help of the prior research and professionals referring to parish nurse program questionnaire by Djupe(1990). Data for study were collected from July.1 to Oct.31,2001 by using questionnaire method Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, x2-test with SPSS./PC program. The summary of the study was as follows; 1. On the demands of parish nursing service for the subjects, 95.8% thenecessity of parish nursing services. And they answered by their intention of asking for parish nursing service practice. 2. The subjects of this study wanted 71.9% of part time and 28.1% of full times duty. The method of payment was 41.8% of pay free and 55.2% of salaried. And engagement intention of parish nurse as preacher was 88.5%. 3. They demanded for parish nurses in hospice care (4.02±l.ll), health screening (3.98±1.09), home visiting(3.97± 1.16),group health education(3.81 ±1.12),organization of volunteer groups(3.75 土 1.12), individual health education (3.75 士 1.14), the advice on choosing hospital and hospital consultation(3.69±1.21) and individual counseling(3.51±1.31). 4. According to specified role for parish nurse of subjects, the nursing demands were as follows: physical symptom management and preparation before death in spiritual preparation for death, blood pressure check in health examination, home visiting in the make a call patient, management of chronic disease in group health education, disease management in individual health education, choice of hospital in the advice on choosing hospital and hospital consultation and physical problems in individual counseling. 5. In relation to the characteristics of the subjects and their church and the general demands (the necessity of parish nursing services and intention of practice) for parish nursing services, these had non significant differences.6. In relation to the characteristics of the subjects and their church and the hope demands (duty pattern and method of payment and engagement intention of parish nurse as preacher) for parish nurses, these had non significant differences. In conclusion, the perception of parish nursing service was very high, also they had great demands for it. So Parish Nursing Service needs to do in order to promote health of the congregation. Before doing so, it would be better to make things known and to consider the relevant characteristics shown in the researched results.
I.서 론
III.연구 대상 및 연구 방법
IV.연구 결과
VI.결론 및 제언