최근 검색어 전체 삭제

당뇨병환자의 건강신념,건강통제위 성격과 환자역할행위 이행의 관계

The Relationship among Sick Role Behavior Compliance, Health Belief and Health Locus of Control in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

  • 63

This study was conducted to explore the relationship among health belief, health locus of control and sick-role behavior compliance of diabetes mellitus patients. The subjects of this study were 193 of the diabetes patients who were visiting 4 Health Center in B city. The instrument used for measuring health belief was Park s(1985),for health locus of control was Wallston, et al s.(1978) and for sick-role behavior compliance was Park s(1984). The data were collected with structured questionnaires; total 58 items contained about health belief, health locus of control and sick-role behavior compliance from 1st to 31st July, 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS/PC programs using t-test, Pearson s correlation coefficient, ANOVA and Scheffe-test. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The average score of the health belief was 57.99±9.45,health locus of control was 66.83土9.48 and sick-role behavior compliance was 42.81±7.00. 2) Statistically significant factors influencing the health belief among social demographic characteristics were family number(F=3.818, p=0.024), monthly income(F=5.153, p=0.002), time of diagnosis(F=:3.937, p=0.002) and difficult to control disease(F=5.803, p=O.OOO). The significant factors influencing the health locus of control were marital status(F=4.669, p=0.010), Also significant factors influencing the sick-role behavior compliance were monthly incomes(F=5.245, p=0.000), the time of diagnosis(F=4.424, p=0.001) and admission to hospital with diabetes (F=9.031,p=0.000). 3) There was negative mild correlation comparatively between health belief and sick-role behavior compliance(r=-0.142,p<0.05) but no correlation in sensitiveness/severity, barrier, benefit(p< 0.05). There was no correlation between internal, external, chance health locus of control and sick-role behavior compliance(P>0.05). In conclusion, there was a significant negative weak relationship between health locus of control and sick role behavior compliance. Therefore further study to investigate the relating factor of the sick role behavior compliance among diabetes mellitus patients is necessary.




IV.연구 결과


VI.결론 및 제언

