The purpose of this study was aimed at identifying on the knowledge and attitude toward the passive smoking in middle school students. This project is the descriptive study to explain the basic plan at smoking cessation education program. For the data collection, structured questionnaire survey was made from 6th. to 18th. Aug. 2001. among the 130 adolescents in D middle school of Busan. As the tool for this study, the questionnaires developed by Ryou Soo Jin (1997) and researcher was modified and supplemented for the aim of this study. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS package program for frequencies, % , means, and chi-square test. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The smoking related characteristics of subjects were as follows;the number of the smoking student rates are 10(8.0%) at present. 19(15.2%) at past experience, 53(42.4%) at present smoking friends, 73(58.4%) at present smoking family. Also the smoking starting time of present or past smoking experience was the middle schools 12(9.6%) and elementary schools 11(8.8%). They started because of the peer group members 12(9.6%), curiosity 8(6.4%), and looking hansom 7(5.6%). 2) The passive smoking related characteristics of subjects were as follows; the number of the passive smoking aware rates are very well level; 71(56.8%), well level; 54(43.2%). The exposed experience to passive smoking was always; 38(30.4%), sometimes; 86(68.8%), not experience;1(0.8%). The place of exposure to passive smoking was game rooms; 67(53.6%), house; 30(24.0%), fast food place or cafeteria; 10(8.0%), and street or car using;3(2.4%). The main smoker to passive smoking exposure was unknown person;61(48.8%), gran parents or parents;43(34.4%), brothers or friends; 8(6.4%), teachers; 4(3.2%). The self main symptom to passive smoking exposure was hyperpnea;36(28.8%), coughing; 34(27.2%), dizziness;21(16.8%), no symptom; 18(14.4%). The main affected smoker to passive smoking exposure was parents; 52(41.6%), brothers or friends; 48(38.4%). The health affected perception to passive smoking exposure was very affected; 109(87.2%), not affected;3(2.4%). 3) Significant differences of passive smoking attitude by smoking related characteristics were obtained;smoking friends has in case 43.4%, and no smoking friends in case 68.7 % , at very well perception of passive smoking; smoking friends has in case 49.1%, and no smoking friends in case 77.6%, at subjects attitude of avoid place for passive smoking; also smoking friends has in case 26.4% at subjects attitude of not avoid place for passive smoking; no smoking friends has in case 11.9% recommended smoking cessation. In conclusions, it can be well recognized that consideral number of middle school students is exposed to the passive smoking in their homes and by unknown persons, but, their knowledge and attitude toward the exposure to passive smoking is not effective. Therefore, it is hoped that regular education program at schools and restriction and the campaign in home and the public place is neccessary.
III.연구대상 및 연구방법
VI.결론 및 제언