최근 검색어 전체 삭제

청소년의 자살의도와 우울,영적안녕과의 관계

Relationship of Sucidal Ideation, Depression, Spiritual Well-being of Adolescence

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This study was carried out to identify the relationships of suicidal ideation, depression, spiritual well-being of adolescence in Korea. Design of the study was correlational study. Objects of the study were 423 adolescences of high school students of 5 cities in Korea. Data was collected from April, 2003 to July, 2003 using structured questionaire. Research tools of this study were SSI(Scale for Sucidal Ideation) developed by Beck (1979), BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) translated by Lee(1993), scale for spiritual well-being of Paloutzian & Ellison translated by Choi(1990) Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA , Pearson s correlation with SPSS/PC 11.0 program. The results were as follow; 1.Mean value of sucidal ideation (25.93)of adolescence were moderate level,depression(12.48) of adolescence was moderate, spiritual well-being(75.35) was high. 2.General characteristics statistically related to the suicidal ideation are sex(t=3.655, p= .05),grade(F=4.71, p=.009),department of school (t=-2.98, p=.003),relationship of friends (F= 13.65,p= .000), girl(boy)(F-7.80, p= .000),experience of school violence injury (t=2.23, p= .026), school records(F=4.50,p= .001),smoking(F= 19.98, p=.000), drinking(F=14.29, p=.000), trial sucide (t=9.92, p= .000),disease of physical (t=3.74, p= .000), economical levels of family(F=7.31, p= .001),marital status of parents (F=2.65, p= .048), atmosphere at home (F=8.65,p= .000),conversation with father(F=3.87, p= .009), conversation of mether( F=4.64, p= .003). 3.Relationships of the suicidal ideation,depression, spiritual well-being of adolescence. Suicidal ideation of adolescence was positive relationships with depression (r=.628, p= .000), suicidal ideation of adolescence was negative relationships with spiritual well-being (r=- .380, p=.000). In conclusion, it was found that depression of adolescence was spiritual well-being to decrease sucidal ideation of adolescence. Therefore, development of counseling and guidance program to increase spiritual well-being of the adolescence was suggested.






VI.결론 및 제언

