The purpose of this study was to describe the spiritual well-being of nursing students to provide a basic data for the development the curriculum of Spiritual Nursing Care in nursing collages. The subjects for this study were consist of 58 nursing students in K University of Pusan city in Korea. All of them were educated about Spiritual Nursing Care for 100 minutes in a week, during totally 8 weeks in one semester. The data were collected during 7days from July 11 to July 18,2004 by using structured questionnaire method. The measurement of the spiritual well-being was performed with 6 points-index which is composed of 21 items and is modified by Sang-Soon Choi(1990)from Palau tzian & Ellison(1983) s. Its high score means that the degree of spiritual well-being of the subject is high. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS WIN 10.1 program according to the purpose of this study. The general characteristics of the subjects were analyzed by calculating the real quantity and the percentage, and the spiritual well-being scores were identified through calculating the mean value of individual domain. The significant difference of the general characteristics with the spiritual well-being was analyzed by t-test and ANOVA, Scheffe s test. The results of this study were as follow; 1.The spiritual well-being of the subjects The average value for the spiritual well-being of the subjects was 97.78(SD=±10.53) among the possible ranges of 21-126. The mean value of all items was 4.66(SD=±0.502) and high relatively. 2. The spiritual well-being according to general characteristics of subjects The analysis of the spiritual well-being according to general characteristics of the subjects showed statistically significant difference on the degree of life satisfaction in faith(F=4.327, P= .004),the degree of recognition about God s initiation in their daily life(F=3.933, P= .013),the degree of satisfaction about Nursing as their major(F=6.608, P= .000), their assurance of salvation(t=4.557,P= .037). among the personal religious actions, praising(F=3.32,p= .017), The group of nursing students responded that they were satisfied in their faith life, always God has the initiative in their daily lives personally, they were satisfied about Nursing as their major very much, and they have their assurance of salvation showed the highest degree of the spiritual well-being than any other group. In conclusion, in this study we observed that the spiritual well-being of nursing students was high relatively. The general characteristics of subjects were related to the spiritual well-being of them were the degree of satisfaction in their faith lives,their recognition about God s initiation in their daily life, their satisfaction about Nursing as their major, among the personal religious actions, regular praising and their assurance of salvation. Therefore this study s results can be used for developing a spiritual nursing education and program to strengthen nursing student s spirituality to practice in spiritual nursing care.
III.연구대상 및 방법
VI.결론 및 제언