최근 검색어 전체 삭제

여성 노인을 위한 운동동기 프로그램의 적용 효과

Effects of Exercise-Motivation Program for the Elderly Women

  • 80

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise-motivation program on self-efficacy, depression, life satisfaction, exercise adherence, and physical status among elderly women living in the community. The research framework for this study was derived from self determination theory of Deci and Ryan (1985a). The research design was nonequivalent control group design with pretest and post-test. Total of 48 subjects were recruited from two separated institutions for older women in Busan city and conveniently allocated into experimental and control groups. Twenty six women were included into experimental group and 22 were into control group. The exercise motivation program included self help group, rhythmic exercise, recreation, health education, leader role playing, and telephone counseling and provided during 14 weeks. The research was conducted from June 16th to October 24th of 2003. The Instruments used for the research were self-efficacy scale developed by Han(2001), Korean version of Geriatric Depression scale, and modified scale of life satisfaction index-Z developed by Cho(1997). Exercise adherence was measured by asking whether they continue the exercise until now or not. Flexibility was measured by sending forward winding tester, grip strength was measured by hand dynanometer, and body balance was measured by micro chronometer. The data were by the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, x2-test, and t-test using SPSS WIN 10.0 program. The results of this study were as follows. 1.The self-efficacy of experimental group would be increased than control group was supported(t=7.21,p= .000). 2.The depression of experimental group would be decreased than control group was supported(t=-3.12, p=.003). 3.The life-satisfaction of experimental group would be increased control group was no supported(t= - .041, p=.968). 4.The exercise adherence of experimental group would be increased than control group was supported(t= 11.83,p= .001). 5.The physical status in flexibility(t=4.27, p= .000), left grip strength(t=2.65, p=.011), right grip strength(t=2.24, p=.30), balance(t=4.78, p= .000) of experimental group would be increased than control group was supported. In conclusion, the results showed that the exercise-motivation program increased self-efficacy, exercise adherence flexibility, grip strength, and body balance and decreased depression among elderly women. Therefore, this exercise-motivation program could be ultilized for the various population including male elderly and further research of exercise-motivation program is needed to increase the stability of the findings.



III.연구의 이론적 기틀




VII.결론 및 제언

