Purpose: The purpose of this study founding out the correlation between the physical strength(muscular tone, physical flexibility), depression and quality of sleep. Sample and Method: The subjects of the study were selected for 94 elderly inpatients who were 60 years old or older than that among the inpatients in a hospital in B metropolitan city. The period of collecting data, was from July 5th to August 5th 2006, for collecting data. Results: According to the results of this, the elderly inpatients lower muscular tone was found to be middle or lower, the physical flexibility to be very low, and the level of depression and sleep-quality each to be middle. In addition, we could find that the better lower muscular tone they had, the better physical flexibility they showed, and the better physical flexibility they had, the lower depression level they showed, also the lower level of depression they showed, the better sleeping condition they had. Conculsion: There needs to provide integrated nursing intervention for strengthening the muscular tone and physical flexibility and decreasing the depression level as well as enhancing the sleep-quality of elderly inpatients.
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