최근 검색어 삭제

초기치료단계 고형암 환자들의 간호요구와 간호사의 간호수행 비교연구

A Comparison between Nursing Needs of Patients and Nurses s Practice for Solid Cancer Patients in the Early Treatment Phase

Purpose: This study was conducted to provide basic information in order to develop and promote nursing practice for solid cancer patients by comparing their nursing needs with the nursing practice provided to them by nurses. Methods: The subjects of this study were 102 solid cancer patients and 97 nurse in K university at B city. To measure the nursing needs of solid cancer patients, the instrument modified by Seo Jung Sook(2008), which was used to measure the hame care needs of cancer patients by Gwon In Su & Eun Young(1999), was utilized in this study. Result: In the sub-factors of information needs about the disease and managing illness, the score of nursing needs was relatively high compared to the score of nursing practice. Conclusion: Thus, it is suggested to develop nursing intervention programs to improve nursing practice of nurses, considering the importance of providing information about disease and illness management
