최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

지질대사(脂質代謝)와 인삼지방산류(人蔘脂肪酸類) 및 정유(精油)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

The Effects of the Essential Oil Fraction and the Fatty Acid Fraction of Panax Ginseng on the Lipid Metabolism

The effects of the essential oil fraction and the fatty acid-fraction of the panax Ginseng on the various lipids (total cholesterol, phospholipid, triglyceride) in serum and liver tissues of the white rats were examined and observed after the administration of the fractions for eight weeks with the following results: 1. Serum total cholesterol level was slightly decreased in the group after giving the essential oil fraction four weeks, whereas the effects in the group after giving itfor eight weeks were increased. Phospholipid level was slightly elevated both in four weeks and in eight weeks, while triglyceride level was elevated after four weeks, whereas it showed nochange at all after eight weeks. In the liver tissues, the cholesterol content was slightly decreased after four weeks and remarkably decreased after the administration for eight week. Phospholipid increased after four week administration and then rather decreased after the eight week administration, while the triglyceride content decreased both in four weeks and in eight weeks. 2. In the group giving the fatty acid-fraction, serum total cholesterol level decreased after the four week administration and then returned to the pre-experiment mean after the eight-week administration, while phospholipid level increased after the four-week administration and then returned to the pre experiment mean. Triglyceride level increased after four week administration of the fraction and rather then decreased after eight weeks. In the liver tissues, total cholesterol content decreased both after four weeks and after eight weeks, while phospholipid level also decreased from four weeks through eight weeks, whereas triglyceride level increased after four weeks, and showed rather decreasing tendency after the eight-week administration.
