최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Glucose가 alloxan 독성(毒性) 및 alloxan 투여가토(投與家兎)의 간대사(肝代謝)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 대(對)하여

Influences of glucose on the alloxan toxicity to the mice and on the metabolism of the rabbits treated with alloxan

Alloxan is a well known diabetogenic agent which destroys the beta-cell of the Langerhan s islet. The authors investigated the influence of the repeated infusion of glucose solution upon the toxicity of alloxan in the mice. The effects of glucose on the blood sugar content and the serum transaminase (S-GOT and S-GPT) activities in the rabbits treated with alloxan were also observed. The results were as follows: 1. The LD<sub>50</sub> of alloxan in mice showed a slight decrease by pretreatment with glucose for one or two weeks. 2. The elevated blood sugar level in rabbits induced by alloxan shelved a significant fall for the first 3 days by pretreatment with glucose. 3. The increased serum transaminase activities in rabbits induced by alloxan decreased for the first 3 days by pretreatment with glucose.
