최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Testosterone 및 Estrogen 투여(投與)가 자궁수축약(子宮收縮藥)의 적출자궁(摘出子宮) 수축성(收縮性)에 미치는 영향(影響)과 자궁근내(子宮筋內) Cholinesterase 활성도(活性度) 및 전해질(電解質)에 미치는 효과(効果)

Influences of Testosterone and Estrogen on the Contractile Sensitivity to Oxytocics, the Cholinesterase activity and Electrolytes of the Uterine Muscle of Rabbits

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It is well known that the uterine contractility is affected by sexual hormone. In this experiment, the authors attempted to study the influences of testosterone and estrogen or the uterine contractility to oxytocics. The contractile sensitivity of the excised uterine muscle of non-castrated and castrated rabbits with testosterone and estrogen 24 hours before experiment is observed respectively. And the cholinesterase activity and electrolytes (Na, K, Ca and Mg) in the uterine muscle are measured in order to study the relationship with contractile sensitivity and those changes. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The contractile effect of spareng on the excised uterine muscle of non-castrated rabbits pretreated with estrogen was markedly increased in small dose, but that of rabbits pretreated with testosterone was significantly increased in large dose, comparing with that of the control group. In castrated rabbits, the contractile sensitivity of the uterine muscle to spareng was significantly increased by pretreatment with estrogen in large dose but it was markedly decreased by pretreatment with testosterone in small dose. 2. The contractile effect of quinine on the excised uterine muscle of non-castrated rabbits pretreated with estrogen was significantly decreased but that of castrated rabbits pretreated with both estrogen and testosterone were markedly increased comparing with that of the control group. 3. The cholinesterase activity in the uterine muscle of non-castrated rabbits was significantly increased by pretreatment with small dose of estrogen or large dose of testosterone, but that of castrated rabbits was markedly decreased by pretreatment with large dose of estrogen. 4. Na and K contents in the uterine muscle of non-castrated rabbits were markedly increased by pretreatment with both estrogen and testosterone, but that of castrated rabbits was significantly increased by pretreatment with small dose of estrogen. 5. Ca content in uterine muscle of non-castrated rabbits was significantly decreased by pretreatment with both large dose of estrogen and testosterone but increased by pretreatment of testosterone. In castrated rabbits, Ca content was significantly decreased by pretreatment with both estrogen and testosterone. 6. Mg content in the uterine muscle of non-castrated rabbits was markedly increased by pretreatment with estrogen and small dose of testosterone, but that of castrated rabbits was significantly decreased by pretreatment with both large dose of estrogen and testosterone.
