최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

가토(家兎) 및 묘(猫)에서의 두개내압항진(頭蓋內壓亢進)에 의한 혈압반응(血壓反應)에 관하여 -Reserpine 및 6-Hydroxydopamine의 영향(影響)-

Blood Pressure Response to Raised Intracranial Pressure in Rabbits and Cats -Effect of Reserpine and 6-Hydroxydopamine-

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1) 마취가토(痲醉家兎) 및 묘(猫)에서 경뇌막외강(硬腦膜外腔)을 통(通)한 가압방법(加壓方法)으로 두개내압상승(頭蓋內驅上昇)과 혈압(血壓) 및 심박(心搏)과의 관계(關係)를 조사(調査)하였다. 2) 양동물(兩動物)에서 두개내압(頭盞內壓)을 상승(上昇)시켜 두개내압(頭蓋內壓)과 혈압(血壓)의 차(差)가 아주 적어지면 현저(顯著)한 혈압상승(血壓上昇)이 나타났다. 3) 양동물(兩動物)에서 두개내압(頭盞內壓)이 혈압(血壓)보다 높아지면 현저(顯著)한 혈압하강(血壓下降)과 현저(顯著)한 일시적(一時的)인 심박감소(心搏減少)가 나타났다. 4) Reserpine 처리동물(處理動物)에서는 두개내압상승(頭蓋內驅上昇)은 혈압하강(血壓下降), 심박감소(心搏減少)를 일으켰다. 5) 6-Hydroxydopamine 처리(뇌내)동물(處理(腦內)動物)에서는 두개내압상승(頭蓋內驅上昇)에 의한 혈압상승(血壓上昇)은 비처리동물(非處理動物)에 비(比)하여 약(弱)하였다. 6) Reserpine 처리동물(處理動物)의 측뇌실내(側腦室內)에 norepinephrine을 투여(投與)한 후(後)에는 두개내압상승(頭蓋內驅上昇)은 현저(顯著)한 혈압상승(血壓上昇)을 일으켰다. 7) 두개내압상승(頭蓋內驅上昇)에 의한 혈압상승(血壓上昇)은 두개내압상승(頭蓋內驅上昇)으로써 뇌내(腦內) noradrenergic neuron이 자극(刺戟)되여 norepinephrine 유리(遊離)가 증가(增加)한 결과(結果) 일어나는 것으로 추리(推理)하였다.

1) The relationship of arterial blood pressure and heart rate with raised intracranial pressure induced by the epidural balloon method was investigated in anesthetized rabbits and cats. 2) In both animals marked increase of the blood pressure was observed when the intracranial pressure became close to the blood pressure. 3) In both animals marked decrease in the blood pressure and transitory marked decrease in the heart rate were observed, when the level of the intracranial pressure exceeded that of the blood pressure. 4) In reserpinized animals raised intracranial pressure produced decrease in the blood pressure and heart rate. 5) During raised intracranial pressure, the 6-hydroxydopamine-treated (by intracerebral administration) animals showed increase of the blood pressure less than control animals. 6) The depressor response to raised intracranial pressure in the reserpinized animals was reversed to the marked pressor one by the administration of norepinephrine into the lateral ventricle. 7) These results suggest that the pressor response to raised intracranial pressure is due to the increase of norepinephrine release resulted from local stimulation of the central sympathetic neurons by the raised intracranial pressure.
