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개구리 세포막에 대한 Racemic Ketamine의 영향

Effects of Racemic Ketamine on Excitable Membranes of Frog

Racemic ketamine을 사용하여 개구리의 좌골신경 및 toe muscle에 대한 작용을 관찰하였다. 실험방법으로는 214 mM sucrose을 사용하여 서로 다른 두 종류의 투여 방법으로 세포막의 활동 전압에 대한 영향을 electric recording으로 관찰하였다. 즉, intracellular 투여는 single sucrose gap technique으로, extracellar 투여는 double sucrose gap technique을 사용하였으며 그 실험 결과는 아래와 같았다. 1. Racemic ketamine은 개구리의 좌골신경 및 toe muscle의 활동전압을 intracellular 및 extracellular 투여시 모두 의의 있게 억제하였다. 2. 개구의 toe muscle에서 K<sup>+</sup>-수축을 억제하였다. 3. naloxone은 ketamine의 억제작용을 완전히 차단하지는 못하였다.

The effect of racemic Ketamine HCl was observed on excitable membranes of sciatic nerve fibres and toe muscles from frog. Ketamine significantly depressed the amplitude of the action potential, maximum rate of rise and that of fall of action potentials of sciatic nerve by dose-dependent and time-course manner, and also it produced the inhibition of K<sup>+</sup>-contracture in toe muscle. We used two different ways of sucrose gap method to to obtain the better results from sciatic nerve. We observed and compared the effect of ketamine on sciatic nerve with naloxone, 4-AP (4-aminopyridine) and TEA (Tetraethylammonium). Naloxone significantly but not totally blocked the effect of ketamine both on nerve and on skeletal muscle. 4-AP or TEA by itself had a significant depressant effect on the action potentials on nerve by central perfusion (extracellular perfusion), but both of these drugs did not much affect the action of Ketamine on nerve. The reversibility of effect of Ketamine (10 mM) was observed both on nerve and on skeletal muscles when exposed to drug for short duration. The effects of racemic ketamine described may provide to support that one of the mechanisms of the action of Ketamine on nerve and on muscles of frog might be related to non-specifically effect on receptors within the ion channels (K<sup>+</sup>-channel, Na<sup>+</sup>-channel or slow Ca<sup>++</sup> channel) at higher dose which produces anesthetic effect and also it interacts specifically with one of the opioid receptors or subtype of these receptors which is sensitive to Naloxone at lower dose which produces analgesia.
