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Anemia-inducing Murine Friend Virus 감염에 대한 2 ,3 -dideoxycytidine 및 Interferon-α-A의 항retrovirus효과

Antiretroviral Effects of 2 ,3 -Dideoxycytidine and Recombinant Interferon-α-A on the Infection of Anemia-inducing Murine Friend Virus

Anemia-inducing strain of Friend virus (FVA)는 적혈구 progenitor cell의 증식을 촉진하는 생쥐 retrovirus의 일종이다. FVA에 감염된 생쥐는 생성이 촉진된 progenitor cell이 분화되지 못하고 비장내에 축적되므로서 비장비대를 초래한다. 이에 본 실험에서는 FVA에 감염된 생쥐의 비장비대를 지표로 사용하여 2 ,3 -dideoxycytidine (ddC) 및 interferon-α-A (rIFN-α-A)의 항retrovirus효과를 측정하였다. 매일 ddC (100 mg/kg) 및 rIFN-α-A (10 KU/mouse)를 각각 단독 또는 병용하여 18일간 복강내 투여시 비장의 비대가 각각 15.1%, 52.7%, 61.6% 억제되었다. 또 다른 실험군으로 ddC를 식수중에 용해하여 (0.1 mg/ml) 경구로 18일간 투여시, 그리고 ddC의 경구투여와 병용하여 rIFN-α-A을 위와 마찬가지 용량으로 복강내 투여시, 비장비대를 각각 38.4% 및 83.2% 억제하였다. 이 결과는 ddC의 투여시 복강내 주사보다는 경구투여가 더 유효하며, ddC와 rIFN-α-A는 병용투여시 상가적인 효과가 있음을 제시한다. ddC 투여시 progenitor cell의 특성상 변화를 검토하기 위해, Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake [<sup>3</sup>H]cyclohexyladenosine (CHA) binding 실험을 실시하였다. CHA bindng 실험결과 성숙된 적혈구에서는 저친화성의 결합부위 하나뿐인데 반해, progenitor cell에서는 고친화성과 저친화성의 두가지 결합부위를 나타내었다. Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake 측정결과 성숙된 적혈구에 비해 대조군의 정상적인progenitor cell은 약 20배 증가를 나타내었으며, ddC를 연속투여한 군에서도 유사한 결과를나타내었다. 이때 CHA에 의한 Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake의 억제효과를 측정한 바, ddC 100 mg/kg 투여군의 경우 76%로 대조군의 86% 보다 억제효과가 크게 나타났으며, 이들 모두는 adenosine 길항약인 theophylline의 전처치시 대조군과 유사하게 회복되었다.

The anemia-inducing strain of Friend virus (FVA) is a murine retrovirus which stimulates the proliferation of erythroid progenitor cells. The progenitor cells synthesized by FVA-stimulation are unable to proceed with differentiation and accumulate in the spleen resulting in splenomegaly in infected mice. Using FVA-inoculated mice as a model, we have investigated the antiretroviral effects of 2 ,3 -dideoxycytidine (ddC) and recombinant interferon-α-A (rIFN-α-A) on FVA infection. The extent of the infection was determined by measuring the weights of the spleens. Daily intraperitoneal injection of ddC (100 mg/kg body weight), rIFN-α-A (10 KU/mose) and the combination of both drugs to FVA inoculated mice for 18 days resulted in suppression of the growth of spleens by 15.1%, 52.7% and 61.6%, respectively. When ddC was dissolved in drinking water (0.1 mg/ml) and administered to a group of FVA inoculated mice ad libitum, and rIFN-α-A (10 KU/mouse) was intraperitoneally injected daily to another group of ddC (0.1 mg/ml) drinking mice for 18days, the growth of spleens was suppressed by 38.4% and 83.2%, respectively. These results indicate that administration of ddC via drinking water is more effective in suppressing FVA infection than the daily injection of ddC, and that the combined effects ddC and rIFN-α-A are not synergistic but additive. In order to determine whether ddC treatment alters the characteristic of the progenitor cells with respect to Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake, Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake in erythroid cells and the effect of cyclohexyladenosine (CHA) on the Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake were studied. Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake in the erythroid progenitor cells was about 20-fold greater than in mouse erythrocytes and the inhibition of Ca<sup>++</sup> uptake by CHA was the greatest in the progenitor cells from FVA infected mice which were treated with ddC. The inhibition was obviated by theophylline. Results of CHA binding studies showed that the erythroid progenitor cells contain both high and low affinity CHA binding sites, whereas mose erythrocytes contain only the low affinity CHA binding sites.
