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의과대학에서 시행할 교수업적 평가계획의 모습은 어떠하여야 하는가?

Faculty Evaluation in Korean Medical Schools Part I. Designing of Basic Guideline for Assessment of Faculty Activities

  • 17

Faculty evaluation in medical schools is a necessary procedure to improve the quality of the faculty and ultimately of the educational program. This article emphasizes an establishment of baseline strategies on designing the faculty evaluation programs prior to the development of basic guidelines to evaluate individual faculty activities. We propose, in this article, three baseline strategies in developing a faculty evaluation program. First, all of elements of faculty activities should be closely assessed, equally measured and balanced in light of the medical school s needs. From this point of view, clinical services should be assessed separately from the public service category because clinical services are special duties of clinical faculties in medical schools. Faculty track system including clinical track is one of the effective strategy to evaluate the activities of clinical faculties. Second, determining criteria should be developed with the understanding that they will clearly define the concepts of minimum requirements Third, for a more pertinent and effective faculty evaluation, various qualitative as well as quantitative methods must be used.


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