1. 95년,96년 자율평가고사는 형성적 평가의 도구로서 타당성이 있었다. 2. 2년간 자율평가고사에서 지속적으로 하위권에 머무른 사람은 1차 전문의 자격고사에서도 하위권에 머무는 경향을 보였다. 따라서 지속적으로 하위권에 속한 사람들을 확인 할 수 있는 개인별 향상 지수는 형성적 평가척도로서 타당성이 있었다. 3. 1차와 2차 저눈의 자격고사의 성적은 서로 높은 상관관계를 보여 두 시험간에 유의한 분별도가 있었다. 그러나 총괄적 평가도구로써는 1차 전문의 자격고사가 보다 더 타당성이 있었다.
The korean society of otolaryngology has had and experience on intraining examination since 1992. We also had the fortieth annual board examination for specialist in 1997. But we have no evidence on the validity of these tests yet. The aim of this study is to examine the validity of the intraining examinations as a tool of formative evaluation, to present a personal progress index demonstrating constructive validity, and to examine the validity of the board examination as a tool of summative evaluation. We did statistic analysis on the consecutive personal scores of 1995 and 1996 intraining examinations, and 1997 written and oral board examinations. Analysis of the averages, standard deviations, distribution curves, and Wilcoxon singed rank test on the scores of 1995 and 1996 intraining examinations demonstrated the constructive validity. Chi-square test revealed that those who had low scores in intraining examinations of two consecutive years had low scores in 1997 board examinations and personal progress index demonstrated the predictive validity. Correlation and linear regression analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between 1997 written and oral board examination. Analysis of the averages, standard deviations, distribution curves, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient revealed that 1997 written board examination had higher concurrent validity than the that of oral examination.
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