최근 검색어 전체 삭제

연세대학교 의과대학 학업성적과 의사국가시험과의 관련성 분석 결과

A Study on the Correlation of Student Achievement and Medical Licensure Examination at Yonsei University, College of Medicine

  • 21

This study analysed the correlation between student achievement and the result of medical licensure examination. To predict the result of pass or fail in the medical licensure examination we carried out a discriminant ana lysis by using following variables: year-wise student academic record and the result of integrative test scores. The prediction ratio was 83.6% and the statistical result is significant. Based on this result the formular of the discriminant score for sucess in medical licensure examination is as following: Z= -19.6372+(0.1812)xcredit of 4th year+(0.0441)xthe result of intergrative test scores. Being considered that the curriculum for seniors was consisted of as core clinical clerkships on the basis of main subjects and the items of medical licensure examination were selected from main subjects. The result is a matter of course. Therefore, it is recommended to put emphasis on core subject-oriented teaching and to strengthen core clinical clerkship to enhence the possiblity of success of medical licensure examination. Since the afore-mentioned discriminant score may predict success of medical licensure examination the school administration can decide to offer special programs for risk group students.


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