Since teaching is considered as one of significant activities in education, an appropriate feedback must be given each and every activity in a classroom. To created an effective teaching-learning environment, a due evaluation process is required. A qualititative-oriented method should be applied to assess high mental ability such as judgment and abilities to analyze and integrate. In a qualitive-oriented evaluation the process is far more important than the produce of learning. A problem-based learning approach in medical education facilitates the thinking ability of students. The above-mentioned evaluation is proper instrument to assess the process of teaching activity. The present study identified the importance of problem-based learning. With the introduction of Triple Jump, OSCE(Objective Structured Clinical Examination), and MEQ(Modified Essay Question) as suggested strategies of qualitative-oriented evaluation, the authors implied development of evaluation of problem-based learning.
문제의 제기
문제중심학습의 개념적 기초
문제중심학습의 평가
맺음말: 문제중심학습 평가의 개선방향