최근 검색어 전체 삭제

수업평가에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors Associated with the Teaching Evaluation toward a Subject for a Premedical Course

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To find the factors associated with the teaching evaluation by the students, data were collected through a questionnaire from 106 students in a premedical course at a medical college at November, 1994 after a series of lecture for a semester. The results are as follows : 1. Chronbach s alpha coefficients by part of evaluation were 0.8544 for teacher part, 0.7405 for the learner part and 0.7468 for the environment of the teaching. 2. Students gave low score of the evaluation for the items of questionnaire like contribution to creative thinking by lecture, good communication with the teacher, speed and amount of lecture, the appropriateness of textbook. Students gave high score of evaluation for the items of questionnaire like the scrutiny of the lecture hours, the appropriateness of test and homework assignments, composition and progress of the teaching schedule and preference and expression of the lecture. 3. The evaluation scores were significantly high among the student who were satisfied with the lecture, expected high score for the test, low number of absence, the high perception of the necessity about the subject to medical students. The sex of students, the difficulty of the subjects and the burden of learning were not associated with the point of evaluation. 4. Among the learner s attitude, positive and sincere learning attitude, scrutiny of pressure to the lecture, diligent homework assignment, and good preparation for the lecture were associated significantly with the point of evaluation. 5. The correlation coefficients between evaluation result and associated factors were 0.476 for the learner s attitude, 0.312 for the environmental factor of lecture, 0.296 for the expected score and 0.628 for the degree of satisfaction. Negative correlation were shown between the evaluation point and the number of absence(r=-0.248) and the backside preferred seat at lecture room(r=-0.274). In conclusion teaching evaluation by the students kept relatively high reliability in measurements and the evaluation results were associated with the several factors, so for the effective methods of implementation of teaching evaluation and utilization of the results, systematic of the results, systematic and deeper study must be made.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과

Ⅳ. 고찰

Ⅴ. 요약

