최근 검색어 전체 삭제

의과대학 등록금, 장학금 및 교육시설(도서관, 시청각 교육기재, 실험동물사육장, 전용건물면적) 현황에 대한 고찰

Changes of Scholarship, Tuition and Educational Facilities in Medical Colleges between 1984 and 1993

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We have investigated and discussed the changes of scholarship, tuition and educational facilities in national medical colleges and private medical colleges for the period of 1984 and 1993. The data an alysed in this study were cited from the third edition and the seventh edition and raw data for the eighth edition of the Educational State Report of Korean Medical Schools which were issued by the Deans Association of Korean Medical Schools. The significant findings were as follows: 1. In all investigated medical college libraries, the number of seats and medical books and the sorts of medical journals have increased, particularly the average budgets for medical journals have increased over 3 times in 1993 compare to 1994. 2. Between 1984 and 1993, total budget for scholarship have been increased out average benefit rate have been decreased from 38.6% to 34.3%. But the average benefit doubled its amount. 3. Average tuition in national medical college was about 52% of that in private medical college in 1993. In national medical colleges, average tuition for premedical course was 10% costly than medical course but it was just opposite to private medical colleges. 4. Between 1984 and 1993, Audio-visual aids have increased in number a little bit but there was nothing significant changes between national and private medical college. 5. Eighty one percent of investigated medical colleges have animal laboratory for research but only 15.6% of medical colleges have specific pathogen free rooms in the animal laboratories. 6. In 1993, the space in medical college buildings was occupied 29.6% by student education facilities, 25.8% by research space for professors and 10.5% by medical library. The average area for student educations was 42.4m2, for professors research was 32.2m2 and for library was 11.4m2 per a student.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 조사대상 및 방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 요약

