최근 검색어 전체 삭제

현행 우리나라 의사국가시험제도의 문제점과 개선방안

A Discussion on the Problems of Current National Physicians Licensure Examination in Korea and Improvement of the System

  • 7

This paper discusses the problems of current national physicians licensure examination in Korea and summarizes the possible solutions that have been stated in several meetings on subject matter. This paper firstly reviews the historical background of the examination system, which has been experiencing many changes in examination subjects and the passing standards since the first examination was offered in 1952. This paper, then, summarizes the problems and deficiencies of the system that have been frequently presented in meetings having been held to improve the system. Quality of the question items such as validity, reliability, and objectivities together with examination management system have been major issues. This paper suggests that a standing coordinating committee be organized with members representing various related organizations such as Korean Medical Association, National Teacher Training Center, The Korean Society of Medical Education, The Deans Associations of Korean Medical Schools, and The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs to study and solve the problems and improve the examination system.

1. 머리말

2. 우리나라 의사국가고시 제도의 변천과정

3. 현행 의사국가시험제도가 갖고 있는 문제점 및 개선방안

4. 맺는말

