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KCI등재 학술저널

시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동이 유아의 미술 표현력에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Drawing Activities Using Synectics Technique on Young Children’s Drawing Expression

  • 47

본 연구의 목적은 시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동이 유아의 미술 표현력에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한 것이다. 연구 대상은 충청북도 소재의 C시 지역의 사회 경제적 배경이 비슷한 2개 유치원에 재원 중 인 만 5세 유아 32명이었다. 실험집단의 유아들은 시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동을 총 10차시로 진 행하였다. 통제집단은 5세 누리과정 생활주제의 일반적인 유치원 교육활동에 참여하였다. 본 연구에서 밝혀 진 연구 결과는 시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동을 실시한 실험집단 유아들이 시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동을 실시하지 않은 통제집단의 유아들보다 미술 표현력의 표상수준, 탐색수준, 예술성수준이 향 상되는데 효과가 있었다. 이러한 결과에 비추어 볼 때, 시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동이 만 5세 유아 의 미술 표현력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 돕는데 효과적인 교수학습방법이라는 것이 밝혀졌다.

The purpose of this study is to explore whether drawing activities using synectics technique affect young children’s drawing expression. According to the above study purpose, research questions were set up as follows. 1. What effects do drawing activities using synectics technique have on young children’s drawing expression? 1) What effects do drawing activities using synectics technique have on young children’s representation level? 2) What effects do drawing activities using synectics technique have on young children’s exploration level? 3) What effects do drawing activities using synectics technique have on young children’s artistry level? The objects of this study were 32 young children aged 5 years attending 2 classes of B and S kindergarten in Cheongjoo-Si, Chungcheongbuk-Do, Korea. The experiment group were 16 young children(male: 10, female: 6) aged 5 years of B kindergarten; the control group were 16 young children(male: 6, female: 10) aged 5 years of S kindergarten. The research tool of this study was based on Evaluation Scales(Chen & Feinburg, 1990) in the visual arts domain of Project Spectrum(Krechevsky, 1998). And, this study employed the tool of Choi Hyeon-Yi(2010) which was developed from that of Kang Young-Soo(1999) who had adapted the Evaluation Scales to assess drawing expression. The experimental treatment of drawing activities using synectics technique was done from 18(Mon.) May to 23(Thu.) July, 2015 for 10 weeks each of which was one session. For the data processing in investigating the effects of drawing activities using synectics technique on 3 categories of drawing expression which include representation, exploration and artistry level, the means and standard deviations of pre- and post-test scores were calculated for both the experiment and control group. And, T-test was done for the increment which was post-score subtracted of pre-test score. The results of this study are as follows. First, the score of drawing expression in the experiment group who participated in drawing activities using synectics was more than that in the control group and there was statistically significant difference(p<.001) which means drawing activities using synectics had a positive effect on young children’s drawing expression. Second, the scores of 3 sub factors(representation, exploration and artistry level) of drawing expression in the experiment group who participated in creative drawing activities using synectics were more than those in the control group and there were statistically significant differences(p<.01, p<.001). In detail, statistically significant differences at the representation level and the exploration/artistry level were p<.01 and p<.001 respectively. The above results means drawing activities using synectics had a positive effect on young children’s drawing expression. The conclusions based on the above results of this study are as follows. First, drawing activities using synectics had a positive effect on young children’s drawing expression. Second, drawing activities using synectics had a positive effect on the representation level of young children’s drawing expression. Third, drawing activities using synectics had a positive effect on the exploration level of young children’s drawing expression. Fourth, creative drawing activities using synectics had a positive effect on the artistry level of young children’s drawing expression. The results of this study showed drawing activities using synectics improved the drawing expression of your children in the experiment group. In conclusion, drawing activities using synectics is an effective teaching-learning method for the enhanced drawing expression of young children aged 5 years.

Ⅰ. 서 론

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

1. 연구 대상

2. 연구 도구

3. 연구 절차

Ⅲ. 연구 결과

1. 시네틱스 기법을 활용한 그리기 활동이 유아의 미술 표현력에 미치는 영향

Ⅳ. 논의 및 제언


