본 연구는 유아교육기관 전용 커뮤니케이션 앱을 활용한 쌍방적 의사소통을 통해 교사-어머니 의사소통 에 참여한 어머니, 교사 경험을 분석해 봄으로써 상호 호혜적 의사소통의 효율적인 활용방안을 모색하고 사생활 침해 및 개인정보 노출, 단편적·형식적 의사소통에 대한 대안을 마련하는데 목적이 있다. 커뮤니케 이션 앱을 활용한 교사-어머니 의사소통은 첫째, 기존의 교사-부모 간 의사소통의 제약점을 개선하고 활성 화 하는데 도움을 준다. 둘째, 교사와 어머니, 유아 모두에게 이롭다. 셋째, 커뮤니케이션 앱의 기능을 잘 활용하면 유아에 대한 상담이나 자세한 이야기도 충분히 나눌 수 있다. 넷째, 교사와 어머니 간 신뢰감 및 상호친밀감의 기회를 마련하며 새로운 인간관계를 형성하는 데 도움이 된다.
The purpose of this study was to seek an effective utilization for mutually beneficial communication using the features of the application between mother-teacher, and to provide an alternative plan for concerns on privacy, personal information exposure and fragmented/formal communication through in-depth analysis of the experience of mothers and teacher that participated in the communication by reviewing specific cases of bilateral communication using the early childhood institution application. Issues according the purpose of this study were as follows: 1. How was the teacher-mother communication experience using the communication application? 1-1. How was the mother’s experience in the teacher-mother communication experience using the communication application? 1-2. How was the teacher’s experience in the teacher-mother communication experience using the communication application? The group of mothers participated in this study consists of fifteen mothers of children under the age of five attending B public kindergarten located in I City of Gyeonggi-do. This study was performed flexibly depending on mothers’ communication within ten weeks, from September 22, 2014 through December 7, 2015. The data was collected by various methods, which include observation recordings and transcripts, individual/group discussions, communication data, surveys, and research material using communication application. The results obtained from this study are as follows. First, communication through the communication application between teacher-mother enhanced the existing limitation, and assisted in activating communication. In other words, it maximized the benefits of immediacy and portability of smartphones, and provided environment for a continuous and two-way communication between teacher and mother through various features on the early childhood institution application. Second, communication through the application is beneficial for all teachers, mothers, and children. In other words, teachers can inform mothers on the ongoing activities at the institution, and also gain a chance to know children’s education style at home and family’s characteristics. In addition, mothers can provide adequate assistance for children’s growth and development through understanding preschool education and having a more objective perspective on the child. Continuous communication between teachers and mothers lead all teachers, mothers, and children to a positive direction. Third, when effectively utilized, communication application can allow consultation and detailed discussion on children between teacher and mother. This also disregards concerns on privacy and exposure of unnecessary personal information when communicated via mobile instant messengers and SNS. However, it is necessary to be utilized along with other communication tools for a more effective communication. Fourth, communication through the communication application provides basis for mutual understanding and trust between teacher and mothers by understanding each other’s roles. Furthermore, through sharing emotions, the application can allow them to develop a new relationship by emotionally supporting each other and treating each other as partners.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 논의 및 제언