본 연구는 유아역사교육에 대한 유치원 교사의 인식 및 실태가 어떠하며, 이는 교사의 경력에 따라 차이가 있는가를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 유치원 교사 780명이었으며, 연구도구인 질문지는 4범주 24문항으로 구성하였다. 이를 기초로 유아역사교육의 필요성 및 목적에 대한 인식, 내용에 대한 교육실태, 교수-학습방법에 대한 활용실태, 지원 및 문제점에 대한 실태를 알아보았다. 자료의 처리는 문항별로 빈도와 백분율을 산출하였고, 교사의 경력에 따른 집단 간의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 χ²검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과를 기초로 유아역사교육에 관한 지원과 연구, 교사교육 방안 등을 논의하였다.
This study was to investigate kindergarten teachers perceptions and actual conditions on history education and their differences by teaching career. The researcher constructed a questionnaire that consists of 24 items which belong to one of four categories. The item frequency and percentage were used to analyze kindergarten teachers perceptions and actual conditions. χ2 tests were conducted to investigate their differences by teaching career groups. Data analyses above revealed following results: First, Most kindergarten teachers perceived history education to be a necessary subject for young children. They also perceived forming personal and national identities to be the reason of history education. Upbringing accountable citizens was mostly perceived as the goal of history education. Significant group differences on the conception, reason, goal, and appropriate age of history education were found by teaching career. Second, teaching on change or time was carried out more frequently than teaching on continuity of life or past. Significant group differences on the changes of self, neighbors, and kindergarten, the contacts of family and generation, and the people, things, and narratives of past were found by teaching career. Third, teachers gave history education frequently linking with kindergarten curriculum. The themes of history education tended to concentrate on Korea and foreign countries and special days. Young children s interests were considered most when teachers planned history education. There were significant group differences on human resources and reference materials by teaching career. Fourth, teachers had much difficulty in applying teaching methods appropriate for development. The lack of standard and guidelines was perceived as the main problem. Most teachers have not taken in-service training regarding history education. There were significant group differences on difficulty, problems, and training experience by teaching career.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론