특수아동의 현재 학습수행 수준을 파악하고 장단기 목표를 작성하는 일은 개별화교육계획 작성에 있어서 가장 핵심적인 요소라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 특수아동의 개별화교육계획의 핵심적인 요소인 현재 학습수행 수준 파악 및 장단기 목표 작성을 위해 활동표본평가를 적용해 보고 그 경험 내용을 질적으로 분석하였다. 또한 활동표본평가 적용의 연구 결과의 제시와 함께 활동표본평가가 특수아동의 교육진단을 위한 검사도구에 적절함을 논하였다.
The purpose of this study was to offer data for successful Individualized Education of special education with a child as application Work Sampling System(WSS) for planning Individualized Education Plan(IEP) and as analyzing to the result in quality. For this purpose, the study question was as follows: 1. How is the experience contents of WSS application for planning IEP? 1-1. How are the experience contents of WSS application for understanding Present Level of Educational Performance? 1-2. How are the experience contents of WSS application for planning Long term goal and Short term objectives? 1-3. What are complements for application WSS? WSS was used for instruments for study and all three components of WSS, developmental checklist, portfolios, and summary reports, were used. The data for this study are contents of WSS, Present Level of Educational Performance planning contents and Long term goal and Short term objectives planning contents of IEP, researcher s journal, interview contents of the study participants. The process of interpreting data was made up of collection and combination, classification and categorization, analysis and translation of the classified data. The results of this study were as follows: After applied to planning IEP, WSS showed that it can help to design Present Level of Educational Performance and plan Long term goal and Short term objectives of IEP but there were two complements for application WSS. First, WSS supported to understand Present Level of Educational Performance of IEP on whole and detailed development area. Furthermore, WSS reduced time of understanding Present Level of Educational Performance and helped understand long and short term learning tasks and find the zone of proximal development and understand Present Level of Educational Performance of developmental disability. Second, WSS supported to plan Long term goal and Short term objectives of IEP. Namely, WSS supported to change Long term goal and Short term objectives into meaningful and functional goal and objectives. And WSS helped find Long term goal and Short term objectives of children in undeveloped area and supported it on low developmental level. And developmental checklist and developmental guideline offered performance frame of hierarchical relationship learning task for planning Long term goal and Short term objectives. Third, WSS had two complements in application process. One was that special education teacher, inclusive class teacher, and parents need to assess the developmental checklist on each condition. The other was that need deeper standards than this WSS standards. Because the participants of this study were elementary school student.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론