교정치료에 의해 빚어지는 치조골 소실의 정도를 좌, 우측 제1대구치의 근, 원심면에서 치료 전, 후의 파노라먀 필름을 이용하여 비교평가하고 치조골 소실에 미치는 영향 요소들을 알아보고자 하였다. 고정식, 교정장치 치료를 받은 216명의 환자들은 104명의 성장군과 112명의 성인군으로 나뉘어 졌으며 4개 소구치의 발거가 이루어진 경우는 각각 50명씩이었다. 치료 전, 후 파노라마 사진에서 상하 좌우 제1대구치의 근심 및 원심 부위의 치조골 높이를 백악법랑질경계에서 치조골의 최첨점까지 치아장축에 평행하게 계측하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 치료 시작시, 성인군은 성장군보다 유의하게 치조골 수준이 낮았다. 2. 치료 후 치조골 수준은 치료 전 수준보다 유의하게 낮았다. 3. 성장군과 성인군 간에 치조골 변화량의 유의한 차가 없었다. 4. 성인발치군은 비발치군보다 유의하게 더 많은 치조골 소실을 모든 원심면에서 보였다. 5. 상악은 하악보다 통계적으로 유의하게 더 많은 치조골 소실을 근심면에서 보였다. 6. 성인군은 원심면에서 근심면보다 유의하게 더 많은 치조골 소실을 보였다.
Alveolar crest is the section of interproximal alveolar bone which includes the free edge of the alveolar process. An increase of the normal forces within limits of tolerance leads to deposition of new bone. If forces are beyond the limits of tolerance, resorption of bone will result whether the force produces pressure or tension. This study was designed to evaluate changes of alveolar bone levels in mesial and distal surface of the left, right first molar, by using pre-treatment, post-treatment panorama films. Two hundreds sixteen subjects were divided into adolescent group of 104 subjects and adult group of 112 subjects, to which orthodontic treatment with a bicuspid extraction (adolescent group-50 subjects, adult group-50 subjects) or without a nonextraction (adolescent group-54 subjects, adult group-62 subjects) was applied by fixed appliances. Pre- and post-treatment panorama films were traced, and alveolar crest height was measured. Amounts of changes in alveolar crest height by treatment were calculated and compared in terms of side of tooth, extraction, age. The results were as follows ; 1. When pre-treatment alveolar crest bone levels were compared levels of adult group were significantly lower than those of adolescent group. 2. Post-treatment alveolar crest bone levels were significantly lower than pre-treatment levels. 3. When changes of alveolar crest height were compared, between adolescent and adult group were not significantly. 4. When changes of alveolar crest height were compared, significantly larger changes were noticed in extraction than nonextraction cases 5. When changes of alveolar crest height were compared, significantly larger changes were noticed in maxilla than mandible. 6. When mesao-distally compared, significantly larger changes were observed in the distal than mesial sides of adult group.