본 실험은 서로 다른 기전으로 골흡수를 억제한다고 추정되는 약제인 bisphosphonate와 indomethacin을 백서에 투여한 후 교정력을 이용한 치아 이동시 약제가 골개조에 미치는 영향을 밝히고자 시행되었다. 동일한 조건에서 사육된 체중 260-300g의 웅성백서(Sprague-Dawley계)를 대조군, bisphosphonate 투여군 및 indomethacin 투여군으로 분류하고 각 군은 다시 장치를 장착한 실험측과 장치를 장착하지 않은 대조측으로 분류하였다. Bisphosphonate(6.3mg/kg, 2.52×10<sup>-2</sup>mol/L)와 indomethacin(9mg/kg, 2.52×10<sup>-2</sup>mol/L)은 교정장치 장착 6시간 전, 1시간 전 및 24시간 후에 복강내 주사하였으며, 교정력이 가해진 시점으로부터 72시간이 경과한 후 파골세포수를 측정하고 조직학적인 성상을 관찰하였다. 또한 혈액을 채취한 후 혈청 acid phosphatase 및 lactate dehydrogenase양을 측정하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 실험측의 파골세포수는 장치장착 1시간 전에 투여한 bisphosphonate군과 indomethacin군에서 가장 적게 나타났으며, 다른 시간의 약물 투여군은 대조군과 차이가 없었다. 대조측의 파골세포수는 실험측보다 현저히 적게 나타났으며, 대조군 및 약물투여군간에 차이가 없었다. 대조군과 6시간 전 및 24시간 후에 투여한 indomethacin군은 심한 골흡수 양상을 보인 반면, 1시간전 indomethacin군 및 모든 bisphosphonate군에서는 골흡수의 정도가 적었다. 파골세포의 주름변연과 투명대는 대조군 및 indomethacin군에서 가장 뚜렷하게 나타났으며, bisphosphonate 투여군에서는 일부 파골세포들이 무딘 세포돌기만을 내거나 골표면에 부착하지 않고 있는 경우가 많았다. Bisphosphonate와 indomethacin투여군 모두에서 acid phosphatase 및 lactate dehydrogenase 값이 대조군보다 낮았으며, acid phosphatase 값은 bisphosphonate군이 indomethacin군보다 낮았으나 lactate dehydrogenase 값은 차이가 없었다. 이상의 결과로 bisphosphonate는 파골세포의 수 및 대사활동을 감소시키며 indomethacin은 파골세포의 수를 감소시킴을 알 수 있었다. 또한 두 약물을 비교하면 bisphosphonate는 indomethacin에 비해 골흡수 억제효과가 더 크며 투여시간에 따른 제약도 더 적은 것으로 사료된다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of bisphosphonate and indomethacin, blockers of bone resorption with different mechanisms, on alveolar bone remodeling. Male rats were divided into control, bisphosphonate and indomethacin groups, and then each group was divided into an experimental side and a control side according to the force application. Bisphosphonate(6.3/kg, 2.52x10<sup>-2</sup>mol/L) and indomethacin (9mg/kg, 2.52x10<sup>-2</sup>mol/L) were injected 6 hours and 1 hour before or 24 hours after the force application. The rats were killed 72 hours after the force application and histologic examination was performed. The values of serum acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase were also measured in the control and experimental groups treated with bisphosphonate or indomethacin 1 hour before the force application. In the experimental side, the least number of osteoclasts was noted in the groups treated 1 hour before the force application with indomethacin or bisphosphonate, while there were no differences between the control and the groups treated with drugs 6 hours before or 24 hours after the force application. In the control side, the number of osteoclasts was not inecreased with no differences among the groups. Histologic examination revealed a severe alveolar bone resorption in the control group and the groups treated with indomethacin 6 hours before or 24 hours after the force application. Indomethacin treatment 1 hour before the force application and bisphosphonate treatment at any time significantly attenuated the bone resorption. Electron microscopically, ruffled border and clear zone of osteoclasts were observed in the control and indomethacin groups, while some osteoclasts were detached from the bone surface and exhibited dull cellular projections in the bisphosphonate groups. The bisphosphonate and indomethacin groups showed lower values of acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase than the control group. The acid phosphatase value in the bisphosphonate group was lower than that in the indomethacin group, whereas there was no difference in the lactate dehydrogenase value between the groups. These results suggest that bisphosphonate reduces the activity of osteoclasts as well as the number of osteoclasts and that indomethacin reduces the number of osteoclasts without affecting the activity of osteoclasts. Bisphosphonate has a larger inhibitory effect on bone resorption and thus less limitation in the application time than indomethacin.