국산 Ni Ti합금 교정용 선재(ORTHOLLOY)의 특성을 평가하기 위하여 성분, 인장특성, 굽힘특성, 열처리성, 내식성, 이온용출 등에 대해 조사하고 외국산 Ni Ti합금 선재(SENTALLOY)의 특성과 비교 분석한 결과는 다음과 같았다. ORTHOLLOY는 초탄성 효과를 나타내는 범위내에서의 Ni과 Ti 함량을 포함하고 있다. 인장실험에서 ORTHOLLOY는 연신율 2%에서 8%정도 범위내에서 하중의 변화가 거의 없는 초탄성 효과를 나타내었다. 3점 굴곡실험에서 ORTHOLLOY는 SENTALLOY보다 같은 변위량에서 높은 하중값을 나타내었고, 초탄성을 나타내는 변위영역에서의 하중 범위는 ORTHOLLOY의 경우 0.014″에서 80-100g, 0.016″에서 140-180g, 0.018″에서 150-200g의 값을 나타내었다. 400°C, 500°C의 열처리에 의해 초탄성을 나타내는 하중범위가 낮아졌고, 각 열처리 온도에서는 시간이 증가함에 따라 초탄성을 나타내는 하중값의 범위가 낮아졌으며 600°C에서는 10분간의 열처리로 초탄성 효과가 소실되었다. 용출되어 나온 Ni 이온의 양은 SENTALLOY의 0.01ppm미만의 극소량에 비해 ORTHOLLOY에서는 0.3ppm 전후로 높게 나타났다. 침적 실험후 주사전자현미경 관찰을 통한 표면조직 소견을 SENTALLOY에서는 침적 전후 및 침적 시간의 경과에 관계없이 비교적 균일한 양상을 보였으나 ORTHOLLOY에서는 pitting corrosion양상을 보였다.
To estimate the characteristics of Korean Ni-Ti alloy orthodontic wire, this study investigated compositions, tensile properties, bending properties, heat treatment effects, and ion releasing degrees, and compared these characteristics to those of the imported Ni-Ti alloy wire. The results obtained are as follows ; 1. Ti and Ni elements in ORTHOLLOY were in a range showing superelasticity, and there was a little difference in the Ni and Ti contents of ORTHOLLOY as compared with those of SENTALLOY. 2. The results of the tensile test concerning ORTHOLLOY exhibited a superelastic effect, indicating an area of a definite amount of stress in spite of the changes in the range from 2% to 8% in the strain rate. 3. ORTHOLLOY presented higher load values than SENTALLOY in the same deflection values when the wire was tested in three-point bending. A load range displaying a superelastic effect was 80-100g, 140-180g, and l50-200g respectively, in wire diameters of 0.014″, 0.016″, and 0.018″. 4. By heat treatments at 400°C and at 500°C, a load range showing the effect of superelasticity was lessened by the duration of the heat treatment time. The superelastic effect was destroyed as a result of the 10 minutes heat treatment at 600°C. 5. The quantity of the Ni ion released from ORTHOLLOY, tended to be greater than the amount of released Ni ion in SENTALLOY. The Co ion released was very little(<0.01ppm) in SENTALLOY and ORTHOLLOY irrespective of the lapse of time. Released Ni ions on the 1st day were at the maximum, and the releasing rate showed plateaus after three days. 6. The surface morphology of SENTALLOY was relatively regular irrespective of the lapse of time, and the corrosion tendency was not observed. However, the surface morphology of ORTHOLLOY was rather irregular and showed pitting corrosion after immersion.