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Angle씨 I급 부정교합 환자에서 교정치료 전, 후의 악궁크기 변화에 관한 연구

The study of arch dimensional changes before and after orthodontic treatment in Angle Class I malocclusion cases

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The purposes of present study were to identify possible relationships between post-treatment changes and post-retention changes. The patient´s models were composed of 58 samples. and were classified non-extraction group (30 samples) and extraction group (28 samples). For each sample the first models were taken prior to the start of treatment, the second models just after the end of treatment, and the third models two years after. The results were as follows : 1. In the cases of non-extraction group, increases were in intermolar width of maxilla, interbicuspid width of maxilla and arch perimeter of mandible during treatment period, but decreases were in the same measurements during post-retention period. 2. In the cases of extraction group, decreases were in intermolar width of mandible, interbicuspid widths of maxilla and mandible, arch length of mandible, arch perimeters of maxilla and mandible during treatment period. 3. Significant decreases were in the irregularity index of both extraction and non-extraction group during treatment period. 4. There were significant differences of arch dimensional changes in intermolar widths of maxilla and mandible, interbicuspid widths of maxilla and mandible, arch lengths of maxilla and mandible, arch perimeters of maxilla and mandible between non-extraction and extraction group.
