최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

혀의 자세 및 크기와 치아치조골 패턴의 관계에 관한 연구

Relations between posture and size of the tongue and dentoalveolar pattern

This study was designed to examine relations between posture and size of the tongue and dentoalveolar pattern. The sample was consisted of three groups, the 34 subjects of Normal occlusion, the 31 sub?jects of Bimaxillary protrusion and the 31 subjects of Class III malocclusion. On the cephalograms, lengths, heights and areas of the tongue and intermaxillary space and on the study model, arch length, intercanine width, intermolar width and palatal height were measured. These data from measuring cephalograms and models were statistically analyzed. The results of the study were as follows, 1. Length of the tongue was the greatest in Bimaxillary protrusion and in order of Normal occlusion and Class III malocclusion. 2. Posture of the tongue was the lowest in Class III malocclusion and in order of Bimaxillary protrusion and Normal occlusion. 3. There were a tendency to be larger area of tongue and intermaxillary space in Class III malocclusion compared to Normal occlusion and Bimaxillary protrusion. 4. Size of the tongue and intermaxillary space showed low correlations with the dentoalveolar pattern.
