Ricketts분석에 의한 청소년기 정상교합자에 대한 두부방사선 계측학적 연구
Roentgenocephalometric study of craniofacial growth by Ricketts analysis on teen-ager with normal occlusion in Korean
- 대한치과교정학회
- The Korean Journal of Orthodontics
- 제15권 제2호
- 1985.12
- 313 - 325 (13 pages)
This study was performed to establish the cephalometric standards and growth change of Korean teen-age group by Ricketts analysis. A roentgrnocephalometric study was made from 365 subjects, that consist of 159 males, 206 frmales with normal occlusion, acceptable profile and no history of otrhodntic and prosthodontic treatment. The results were as follows: 1. The tables of means, standard deviation from measured values were made, (male, female, both sex). 2. The tables of regression rquations from measured values were made to establish the relationship between age and each item. (male, female, both sex). 3. All linear measurements of each item m male were treater than m females. 4. Items which show more linear than any other items were condyle axis, facial axis length, corpus length and uppwe molar position.